Among all other perilous working environments, the accident rate at the construction sites is higher and it’s increasing every day. The work environment here is changing constantly and a number of different hazards exist. This is why wearing safety footwear at construction sites has become essential. Combat boot is also used in such sites as it provides ankle stability and proper grip.
To help you stay safe at you work site and prevent accidents, here we’ve listed a few possible hazards that you may come across at the construction site.
1. Working at height
When getting into some demolition works or working to construct a building, workers work at heights that poses threats to their lives. Every year, a number of height related injuries occur and this is why wearing safety footwear is necessary.
The risks may also increase if the site involves mobility and so proper safety training needs to be given to the workers working in such sites. Also, it is necessary to stay alert when working here.
2. Moving objects
As already mentioned, the work environment of a construction site involves different hazards and also it keeps changing. The risk factors increase with expanding of things and moving objects.
Moving objects pose threat to the lives of the workers and to avoid any accident, proper Personal Protective Equipment and awareness is required. The moving of vehicles, loading and unloading them, shifting heavy loads and so forth requires proper safety measures.
3. Slips, trips, & falls
Hazards such as falls, trips and slips are the most common in a construction site as wide variety of activities are carried out here. Wearing construction boots become essential to ensure safety and prevent any accident. These boots can be worn to prevent the feet from damage.
With a number of health hazards involved, the workers working in a construction site needs to stay alert every time. Safety footwear is one of the most important safety equipment here, the feet being most vulnerable in such situations.